Level Up with Lookup: What's in a number?

September 18, 2024 at 12:00 PM CT

What's in a number?

The Lookup API uses phone number intelligence to gain in-depth insights into phone numbers, improving your communication strategies and enhancing overall business operations.
Why You Shouldn't Miss This
  • Dive into the many benefits of using this API
  • Explore a working application that leverages the API
  • Provide the tools for you to get started incorporating the Lookup API into your workflow
  • Alex Goldman
    Developer Evangelist, Startups | Twilio
  •  Alex Goldman

    Alex Goldman

    Developer Evangelist, Startups | Twilio
    Alex is a Developer Evangelist at Twilio on the Startups team based in Denver, Colorado, USA. He brings experience founding startups along with a master’s degree in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence to help startups build amazing customer experiences. Alex is a Scuba Instructor and has built a robotic submarine, giving him the rare title of Robot Scuba Instructor. These days he mostly codes in JavaScript and Python, but he also has experience in C++ and Ruby.
  • Kelley Robinson
    Principal, Developer Evangelist | Twilio
  •  Kelley Robinson

    Kelley Robinson

    Principal, Developer Evangelist | Twilio
    Kelley works on the User Authentication & Identity team at Twilio, helping developers manage and secure customer identity in their software applications. Previously she worked in a variety of API platform and data engineering roles at startups.

    Her research focuses on authentication user experience and design trade-offs for different risk profiles and 2FA channels. She believes in the power of good documentation and is passionate about making security accessible to new audiences. Kelley lives in Upstate New York and is an avid home cook.
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Webinar: Level Up with Lookup: What's in a number? by Twilio Developers