Level Up with Voice Intelligence: Gain Smarter Insights from your Voice Calls

Level Up with Voice Intelligence

Join our upcoming webinar to discover how to use Twilio’s Voice Intelligence to gain actionable data insights from your Twilio-powered voice applications. In this session, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of setting up call transcription and AI-powered language operators and connecting them with your tools and technologies. Whether you’re building use cases for quality management, performance tracking or compliance; this webinar will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to start analysing your calls at scale.

This Level Up will include...
  • Create actionable data points within a phone call with Twilio’s Voice Intelligence feature
  • Configure phone numbers to record and transcribe calls
  • Create custom language operators to analyze the transcripts
  • Nathaniel Okenwa
    Developer Evangelist | Twilio
  • Nathaniel Okenwa

    Nathaniel Okenwa

    Developer Evangelist | Twilio
    Nathaniel is a Developer Evangelist at Twilio working to create magical moments for developers with their products. His life goals are to have Batman’s brains, Deadpool’s humor, T’Challa’s fashion sense, Killmonger’s Wokeness, and Thanos’ determination! He serves the Javascript community in the UK and the rest of Europe.
  • Marius Obert
    Developer Evangelist | Twilio
  •  Marius Obert

    Marius Obert

    Developer Evangelist | Twilio
    Marius is a Developer Evangelist at Twilio trying to inspire his peer developers around the globe to build cloud-native apps with excellent customer engagement. Marius' passion is to test the latest communication technologies and to speak about them. Besides his day job at Twilio, Marius is also interested in web 3.0 technologies.
Level Up with Voice Intelligence!

Level Up with Voice Intelligence!

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Webinar: Level Up with Voice Intelligence: Gain Smarter Insights from your Voice Calls by Twilio Developers